The neck refers to the collection of structures that connect the head to the torso. It is a complex structure composed of many bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics, and other connective tissues. The cervical spine is the bony part of the neck. Its primary function is to provide support for the skull, while still allowing for movement. It is the most flexible part of the spine. This flexibility allows for large movements to scan our surroundings. The majority of sensory inputs occur at the head; thus, proper neck movement is vital to our survival. It also acts as a conduit for the brain to communicate with the rest of the body. Motor and sensory information, as well as nutrients, from the body to the head and vice versa, must all pass through the neck. Disclaimer This exercise may not be appropriate for all types of pain. If you experience increased pain while doing this exercise, stop immediately and call your spine specialist. Always contact your spine specialist if you have any questions regarding your back or neck pain or about the suitability of this specific exercise.
The neck refers to the collection of structures that connect the head to the torso. It is a complex structure composed of many bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, lymphatics, and other connective tissues. The cervical spine is the bony part of the neck. Its primary function is to provide support for the skull, while still allowing for movement. It is the most flexible part of the spine. This flexibility allows for large movements to scan our surroundings. The majority of sensory inputs occur at the head; thus, proper neck movement is vital to our survival. It also acts as a conduit for the brain to communicate with the rest of the body. Motor and sensory information, as well as nutrients, from the body to the head and vice versa, must all pass through the neck.
This exercise may not be appropriate for all types of pain. If you experience increased pain while doing this exercise, stop immediately and call your spine specialist. Always contact your spine specialist if you have any questions regarding your back or neck pain or about the suitability of this specific exercise.
#neckrotation #neckexercise #rukusyoga #liveyoga #yogaclass #yogaforbeginners #beginnersyoga #rukmaniwadhwa #yogateacher #mumbai #india
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