JAGRITI - an online unlearning program for parents and teachers - giving you fresh perspectives into your child and their learning, growing journey. While what you know and have been doing as a parent is correct, there are atleast 50 more ways of seeing the same thing. When we open up our windows, we get to see new vistas. Automatically, these new perspectives lead us to respond to and work with our child in different and perhaps much more effective ways. The child, in the end, is a huge beneficiary. That we start enjoying our working with the child is a nice side benefit. Jagriti has 16 sessions - 58th batch starting, 20th Jan 2023 Twice a week (Tue-Fri), 9 pm to 11 pm (India), 7:30 pm (Dubai), 4:30 pm (London) Since it is online - you can attend this from anywhere in the world.
WHO ARE WE Aarohi is a community of self-directed learners - everyone, whether an adult or a child, decides what they want to learn, how they want to learn, when they want to learn. Self-assessment, self-reflection, sharing and collaboration are some of the tools that help us grow as individuals and as a community. The sessions will be led by Aditi, Ratnesh, who have been living the life of co-creation with children in the past 22 years and would bring their experience, expertise and most importantly stories from the Aarohi Community.
CONTRIBUTION All Aarohi's programs work on an open contribution basis called AKSD: Indicated contribution is Rs 16,000/- to 20,000/- AKSD, meaning apni Khushi se do - Give as per your wish - is based on the belief that your being part of Aarohi is not a service or transaction. It is a relationship. So while this workshop is a gift to you and your family’s learning journey, your contribution is a gift to sustain our efforts to build a bigger and wider community of open learners. Also it ensures that Finances are NOT a constraint for people to attend the workshop. aarohilife.org/home/jagriti/contribution
Aarohi Life Education
JAGRITI - an online unlearning program for parents and teachers - giving you fresh perspectives into your child and their learning, growing journey. While what you know and have been doing as a parent is correct, there are atleast 50 more ways of seeing the same thing. When we open up our windows, we get to see new vistas. Automatically, these new perspectives lead us to respond to and work with our child in different and perhaps much more effective ways. The child, in the end, is a huge beneficiary. That we start enjoying our working with the child is a nice side benefit.
Jagriti has 16 sessions - 58th batch starting, 20th Jan 2023
Twice a week (Tue-Fri), 9 pm to 11 pm (India), 7:30 pm (Dubai), 4:30 pm (London)
Since it is online - you can attend this from anywhere in the world.
See details of Jagriti here
Aarohi is a community of self-directed learners - everyone, whether an adult or a child, decides what they want to learn, how they want to learn, when they want to learn. Self-assessment, self-reflection, sharing and collaboration are some of the tools that help us grow as individuals and as a community.
The sessions will be led by Aditi, Ratnesh, who have been living the life of co-creation with children in the past 22 years and would bring their experience, expertise and most importantly stories from the Aarohi Community.
All Aarohi's programs work on an open contribution basis called AKSD: Indicated contribution is Rs 16,000/- to 20,000/- AKSD, meaning apni Khushi se do - Give as per your wish - is based on the belief that your being part of Aarohi is not a service or transaction. It is a relationship. So while this workshop is a gift to you and your family’s learning journey, your contribution is a gift to sustain our efforts to build a bigger and wider community of open learners. Also it ensures that Finances are NOT a constraint for people to attend the workshop.
Questions?Whatsapp Aditi on 98867-24518 or Call Ratnesh on 9845045833
pl see FAQs here
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2 years ago | [YT] | 1