With an increased focus on encouraging supporters to directly ensure the security of this ministry, many have suggested the need for an additional monetary tier.
Given the financial difficulties felt across all nations in these challenging times, I have decided to establish a PayPal option. This allows those who wish to tithe above the current highest Patreon tier to do so flexibly, without being bound to a set rate, and on a month-to-month basis.
To support this ministry and help expand the reach of the Gospel, I kindly ask you to consider contributing through either Patreon or PayPal. Your support will not only ensure that my family and those who rely on me are cared for, but it will also help safeguard this channel from the ever-changing policies that aim to suppress the truth.
🛡️PayPal: Tithes & Offerings🛡️
With an increased focus on encouraging supporters to directly ensure the security of this ministry, many have suggested the need for an additional monetary tier.
Given the financial difficulties felt across all nations in these challenging times, I have decided to establish a PayPal option. This allows those who wish to tithe above the current highest Patreon tier to do so flexibly, without being bound to a set rate, and on a month-to-month basis.
To support this ministry and help expand the reach of the Gospel, I kindly ask you to consider contributing through either Patreon or PayPal. Your support will not only ensure that my family and those who rely on me are cared for, but it will also help safeguard this channel from the ever-changing policies that aim to suppress the truth.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/c/Eredin
PayPal: www.paypal.com/paypalme/eredinlore
1 month ago | [YT] | 82