Project Life Mastery

It is not desire and wanting that leads to success, but willingness.⠀

Desiring and wanting something achieves nothing. It only affirms lack.⠀

The moment you desire and want something, you’re creating a void within yourself.⠀

Whatever you consistently hold in your mind is what you attract. So as you continue wanting… then sure enough, you continue attracting the state of wanting.⠀

This is why you see people stuck, constantly frustrated because their desire and wanting for success never comes to fruition.⠀

Instead, develop the feeling of WILLINGNESS to have what it is that you want.⠀

You may want this or that… but are you WILLING to have it?⠀

Are you willing to commit to what you want, accept it and embrace it?⠀

Having is a different reality than just wanting.⠀

It’s easy to say “I want success”, but actually having success is a different story.⠀

Success requires change. Changes within you, in terms of how you think and behave. It requires stepping into unknown, unfamiliar territory. That might be scary for some.⠀

Having success might require different friends and peer group. People may perceive you differently. You may be judged and criticized. You may lose friends out of envy and jealousy.⠀

It may require a different level of responsibility managing your money, business, team, and the new complexities of life.⠀

It’s the willingness that creates realities, not just the desire and wanting.⠀

So what you really need to ask yourself is: Am I willing to have this in my life?⠀

Am I willing to let go of the internal obstacles, fears, worries, beliefs, behaviors, and attachments that may be getting in the way?⠀

Am I willing to let go of my existing reality of the known and familiar, for this new reality of the unknown and unfamiliar?⠀

Change isn’t always easy. But when there is a death of your old way of being, there is always a rebirth into a new way of being.

2 years ago | [YT] | 994