
Francis Cancels the Last Crusade
Dear Friends: A few weeks ago, Pope Francis told the world that all religions are paths to the same God. He did not attempt to define what he means by “god”, preferring instead to let the world believe that God is created in the image and likeness of Man:

The God of Surprises strikes again: Nobody needs to be a follower of Jesus Christ in order to be saved.

This is an abomination. After 60 years of Vatican II theological goo, the Catholic world hardly bats an eye at this papal obscenity. Even Pope John Paul II referred to what we are living through as the Great Apostacy, and now Francis is confirming it. The reason the Catholic world has lost all sense of what it is to be Catholic is because the architects of the Church of Vatican II abandoned the very idea of Christians being soldiers of Jesus Christ. In the end, they swapped the crusader for the climate activist.

My point? Without something to fight for—without the Crusade—the Catholic army abandoned the field and the world descended into hell because of it. Something similar is happening right now with the last bastion of Bible-based social conservatism in America, what we might call America’s Last Crusade:

In my new Underground, I attempt to explain what is ultimately at stake in the upcoming election. This video doesn’t tell you or anyone else how to vote—how you vote is none of my business. But something much larger (and with permanent ramifications) is at stake. The enemies of God are intent on cancelling our Last Crusade.

And if they are successful, young Americans will have nothing left to fight for, nothing left to die for, and nothing left to live for. Then the triumph of the Prince of this world will be complete.

To understand what the Last Crusade is, and what we can do to stop this horrific eventuality, please watch this Underground all the way to the end. And may God help us all!

In Cristo Rege,
Michael J. Matt

1 month ago | [YT] | 719