it has been three years. I don't even know the context. but I still voted for more.
3 years ago | 128
As excited as I am for the Tanglar, I love watching your base come together as well!
7 years ago | 17
I think the best rule of thumb is if you get tired of it, we may be tired of it. But if you're really geared and excited, we really buy into that. So as long as you're super inspired to do something awesome then we will feel that and want more. Do what you feel you can make the best video about at the time you're recording <3
7 years ago | 106
Tango, I love how this is your one and only Community Tab Post :)
3 years ago | 61
Anything tangler is best. Uninterrupted or interrupted all of it is good. I just want more. I loved the 2 cooking shows and your new what if series. Keep it all coming. Just don't get burnt out and leave. I realy love your base this year. Looks awsome.
6 years ago (edited) | 3
16,000 votes and I STILL have the power to change it by one percent!
3 years ago | 8
I enjoy watching you make things that other Hermits and minecrafters can't make. I enjoy the uniquely Tango projects and nothing is more Tango than the Tangler
7 years ago | 3
I personally like the wicked genius behind your games. I'll watch any of your videos as long as you don't burn yourself out on the project
7 years ago | 13
It's like when Xisuma asked his viewers earlier in the season whether to begin with the base or not: the winning answer was "do what you feel like doing". It's the best for the content creator and the best for the viewers too, because we enjoy watching when you enjoy making.
7 years ago | 1
Variety is the spice O’ life! But this guy will be happy with anything from Tango :]
7 years ago | 14
However, don’t burn yourself out on it. If you don’t enjoy building it, it won’t be as good and the other hermits might not enjoy playing it. Keep on being awesome!
7 years ago | 14
It's so funny how this is the only community post and you can still vote after all this time
2 years ago | 8
I got an idea for a mod I would like to see in minecraft. something like Death Stranding. Where all the hostile mobs are Invisible and thy can only track you by sound. you can see the H-mobs with a BV "Baby Villager" and a MDS "Mob Detection Sensor" that you strap to you body. Also you carry your blocks on your backpack piled high like in Death Stranding. And don't forget about the time fall! it degrades your blocks decreasing the amount you are carrying over time. I would like to hear from you if you tack my idea on making something like this so I can explain how thing should work. thank you.
5 years ago | 11
The tangler will include variety, it's informative and interesting and the sooner it's finished the sooner we can watch hermits take it on.
7 years ago | 7
Tango Tek
Testing this community poll thing! Do you want uninterrupted Tangler videos until its done?
7 years ago | [YT] | 1,944