Dr. Shereene Idriss

Hey guys! It’s been a while but since I was last on here I’ve had a second baby (he’s 7 months old!) and have been figuring out life all over again! Last week I did a Live on Instagram, and got so many DMs asking me to save it, that I’ve decided to share it with all of you (in case ur not on instagram).

I just uploaded 2 videos “#pillowtalkderm: between the sheets” where I get more honest with all of you about my personal experiences and struggles.

Part 1 is all about my fertility journey and part 2 is my road to dermatology .

Remember this was a live that I’m just posting here, so no editing, special effects, filters ... nothing. Just me.

I hope this helps someone out there who feels alone and scared, and needs to know it’s all going to be ok.


4 years ago | [YT] | 74