Great video as well as your video on layering techniques. What do you recommend however for acne prone skin? Where do the products fit into the routine?
5 years ago | 0
I LOVED this and I dream of coming to NY to be your patient one day. I’m on a search to find the same Weleda Skin Food you use, but it’s labeled as a body cream. Is this the same one? Safe to use on the face? It gives me a little shine, should I have gone for the lighter formula? I couldn’t find “skin food” that was labeled as ‘for the face’. Thanks doctor!
4 years ago | 0
La ilaha illallah( There is no God but Allah).The Holy Quran was revealed to prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi waa sallam (PBUH) through angel Jibreel Alai his salam 1400 years ago as guidance for all Mankind. All the words of the holy Quran are from the Creator.Know your Creator who has spoken to you through the holy Quran. Search on YouTube, The meaning of life muslim spoken word. Try to watch the video. There are a total of 01 to 114 surahs in the holy Quran. I request everyone to buy the holy Quran with translation and read the entire holy Quran patiently to know about the creator and to know why he created us. Search on YouTube, Quran 02 surah Baqara arabic and English translation or native language translation. Listen to this surah patiently you will get the answer to all of your questions. Allah says in the holy Quran,do not die without becoming a Muslim . May Allah guide all of you to the right path. Amen.
6 months ago | 0
Is there any way to contact you not by coments under a video ? I have a skin problem and I wanted to ask about ( I have an appointment booked with derm but I live in uk and waiting list is about a year but I cant afford to go private at the moment) I
10 months ago | 0
Can you talk about folks in theirs 30s who look good now but (with shots and fillers) might not look good later in life.
3 years ago | 0
Dr. Shereene Idriss
Thank you @Allure for my YouTube début!
5 years ago | [YT] | 82