Btw I love all the work on MMA on point! Its becoming my favorite channel on youtube
5 years ago | 1
Is normal....I come to watch the big show nothing
5 years ago | 70
Give us some FUCKIN content. This was the first youtube channel I ever subscribed to. I need content!
5 years ago | 18
Dominick Cruz is more likely to return than Tommy. Jk I love you brother.
5 years ago | 15
Tommy you're like the dead beat dad of the MMA community. Always promising to take us fishing on Wednesday... But then stumbling through the door at 3:00 am on Thursday Saying "hey you ready to go fissshhinn. But we have already cried ourselves to sleep! So you just go back to the fridge and get more Beer........
5 years ago | 3
Khabib is somehow going to be fighting Darren Till when this finally releases
5 years ago | 1
Hey Tommy, glad to see you back. I'm sure between this, Fox, metro, agnes mma on point your plate is pretty full. Anyway, thanks for the best stuff on YouTube for free. I'm sure you don't get much of these types of comments without having to give something in return... not here. Ps, I've been trying to push your show on a couple of fighters. I think they're coming around, but one isn't budging. He would love your show besides him being a purist and all.
5 years ago | 1
I’m surprised your still alive tommy that begs the question why are you not uploading?
5 years ago | 1
Tommy do a Henry Cejudo character as Kurt angle and give me credit for it . 😂😂 Your welcome respectfully 👌🏻 Also my god where the fuck have you be
5 years ago (edited) | 8
It’s Thursday. And much like you failed your life as a provider and lover to your wife, as a serious journalist, and just as a decent human being, you’ve once again failed to deliver as promised. -CM Punk
5 years ago | 1
Got 4 minutes left of Wednesday on the west coast. Came here for content. Bummer
5 years ago | 2
So like i respect you for doimg this show for so long or whatever Tommy. But you gotta get your shit together cause from where Im from people talk about posting a video and dont, get slap. 209 WHAT! Dark Side Jujitsu!!!
5 years ago | 1
Lol so many comments telling you to hurry the fuck up Tommy.. u best do as they say because we need CONTENT !!
5 years ago | 2
Tommy Toe Hold
5 years ago | [YT] | 210