I wish you would come back and make more tutorials, as there is so much new in pinnacle 24, so I truly could use your help now! I hope you and your family is douing good
4 years ago | 6
Sadly I only just discovered you in the last month. I say sadly because you are no longer making tutorials. Absolutely no one does tutorials at your level! I'm a technician and can learn things on my own using tech manuals with trial and error practice. Therefore, I don't pay for tutorials. However, I would gladly pay you Bro! You have a natural gift for instructing others. I find myself watching your videos for the entertainment value as well as the awesome instructions for how to create polished videos. Wishing you the best in whatever you do!
6 years ago | 2
Awesome! Great to hear from you. When I upgrade I'll click on your link :)
6 years ago | 1
hey was wondering if you can help me out. I'm just trying to copy and paste some corrections in Pin. 22 with the patch. It will not allow me to paste the corrections on the other clips. It will however allow me to paste the effects on the other clip. just for ref. my corrections are the levels & wb, my effects are from contrast from the plug in please help
5 years ago | 0
Pinnacle Studio 22 is out! Check out all of the new features here. bit.ly/2MqP1zZ
6 years ago | [YT] | 18