“Black Bear” (2020 film) is a critically acclaimed psychological-thriller starring Aubrey Plaza that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January of this year. It should have gone to theaters, but given the global situation, they are deciding to release the movie for streaming THIS WEEKEND ONLY! It costs $10 to watch, and the link to stream and buy tickets is below! It is being hailed as the best performance of her career so far and is certified fresh at 88% on Rotten Tomatoes.
A female filmmaker at a creative impasse seeks solace from her tumultuous past at a rural retreat, only to find that the woods summon her inner demons in intense and surprising ways.
Brandy Klark
Hello everyone!
“Black Bear” (2020 film) is a critically acclaimed psychological-thriller starring Aubrey Plaza that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January of this year. It should have gone to theaters, but given the global situation, they are deciding to release the movie for streaming THIS WEEKEND ONLY! It costs $10 to watch, and the link to stream and buy tickets is below! It is being hailed as the best performance of her career so far and is certified fresh at 88% on Rotten Tomatoes.
A female filmmaker at a creative impasse seeks solace from her tumultuous past at a rural retreat, only to find that the woods summon her inner demons in intense and surprising ways.
4 years ago | [YT] | 25