Graviton Media

Hello everyone, Sebastian and Camilla are having WiFi troubles this week, so we will not be able to do the live stream. We will postpone this stream for next week at the usual time. Get ready for a great episode on linguistics! :)

3 years ago | [YT] | 2


I've been looking for a simplified, easy to grasp version of the explanation to the Square Cube Law for YEARS and every single video or article (non-scientific) example I've come across has just said something like "because square cube law" without giving reasons. Your video on it helped immensely THANK YOU. Cannot thank you enough for finally finding a source that explains things in a simple, easy to understand manner. Now to begin looking for videos on gravitational pull on body mass (as I know that astronauts suffer from wasted muscles and bones when in the ISS) and what might happen under lighter gravitational forces. Again, though thank you for this, your video helped immensely!

3 years ago | 0