Thank you... 🤗 My husband and I had a great anniversary and attending your concert in our own living room was the absolute cherry on the top. Lots of ❤️ from two Danish fans
4 years ago | 1
Sos un genio Richard. En muchas reuniones de amigos acá en Córdoba capital Argentina. En reuniones con amigos suelo comentar de tus canciones y lo talentoso que sos. Cuando pase toda esta pesadilla de la pandemia tendrías que venir a cantar y tocar aquí en Argentina. Traducción: You're a genius Richard. At many friends' meetings here in Córdoba, Argentina. In meetings with friends I usually comment on your songs and how talented you are. When all this pandemic nightmare is over you should come sing and play here in Argentina
4 years ago | 3
♥️😍♥️😍 so handsome guy playing his guitar on the stage playing his hits and I saw little bit clips of the concert from last Sunday you look very nice with glasses on a handso
4 years ago | 3
The concert was great! Make this available as a DVD for purchase please on your website!
4 years ago | 1
oh my god what can i do i got well be crasy you make my day again thanks
4 years ago | 1
Richard Marx
‘Front Row Seat: Live At Your House’ is still available until July 5th on in case you missed it ✌🏼I had so much fun performing again. Thank you to everyone who streamed the show. Get access now:
4 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 1,081