Dolph C. Volker

I am sorry I could not make my reunion with Gabriel "LIVE" due to technical difficulties, but I will attempt another LIVE recording of our encounters soon. I made it to Gabriel but due to the remote location, the cell service chip I bought did not reach his camp and could not connect... so I DID have my reunion with Gabriel and it was as predicted! Will post it on YT when I return from SA.

I will try again with another SIM, 4pm GMT+2 daily until I make it happen.

--===** The updated pic of Gabriel and me on this post is the moment we reunited after 25 years **====-

Gabriel The Cheetah is looking at you and wondering if you will be watching my 1st "LIVE!" reunion with him this Saturday. PASSED MY COVD-19 TEST! YAY! I'm heading to SA after 2 years being grounded!

I'll try again to have our reunion this coming Saturday 12 June 2021 with Gabriel on YouTube. I may change it to the 13th depending on arrival time. It will also be posted 'Recorded LIVE' on my YT channel for those who miss it. The time zone will be GMT+2 in South Africa. My last reunion with Gabe was canceled because of positive Covid test 😡.

The folks who follow me carefully will get the chance to see it LIVE! 100% unscripted and an over TWO year reunion. I have not seen Gabriel for that long. I have some clue how it will proceed as Gabriel should remember our friendship but I will be nervous. Gabriel moved to a new project location along with all the other cheetahs recently, and has nice new camp.

I'll answer some common questions about Gabriel and cheetahs in general while he visits me. He will probably sit like he is in this photo, purr heavily and groom me until finished.

I have a special announcement about Gabriel and our plans for his future. If the video runs long, I'll end it and let Gabe finish his reunion with me off camera. Or I might let the cameras roll. Not everyone wants to see a cheetah groom someone for 15 minutes 😳. Sometimes it's only about 5 😀, but this is how a cheetah reunites...

3 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 499