Launched :27 Feb 2023 at MWC,Barcelona

TechBlade is a show for all the tech questions you can't google, reviews you can't find on Tech Advisor or Amazon. We bring out the who, the what, the where, the how, and the why of Technology - and the why not!

Bringing for the first time ever a YouTube channel that plunges deep into the Global tech & trends that capture our imagination and hearts. A 360 degree review show that explores reviews and Podcasts from literally everyone; Brand Owners,Industrialists, CXOs, Whole Sellers, Retailers, Distributors and product reviews from even your next door neighbours! Presenting frontline retail & customer insights to inform you about how Global Tech megatrends will impact you.

We are here to explore together with you the interesting technology stories, trends & gadgets.

Think you've seen it all? Not! There's more to come and you're part of making it happen right now. Bringing to you the most wanted Technology Revolution - the future of now!


Shared 7 months ago



Shared 11 months ago