Hi! I'm Judy Cho. I am a Functional Medicine Practitioner, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner focusing on root-cause healing starting with Carnivore Cure's all-meat elimination diet. I am the author of Carnivore Cure and The Complete Carnivore Diet for Beginners and the founder of the Carnivore Summit. When it comes to food, I believe in marrying ideals and real life. Wellness must be for all.
I firmly believe in food as medicine or food as a slow poison. I advocate holistic health, supporting evidence-based content around nutrition as a fundamental baseline of health and also exploring the mind, body, spirit (faith) and our environment.
I don’t believe in living in echo chambers because diet and wellness is not dogma. We should be open to new ideas.
My community wants root-cause healing (like I have) and I'll serve with the talents God has given me to bring forth topics to support you on your journey.
Never give up on healing.
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago