
***"Creationists: We Make Shit Up"***
Propagandists for creationism know that their worst enemies are reason, logic & honesty; so while The Discovery Institute claims academic suppression of their "research", here on YT they file false DMCA claims and allow NO COMMENTS on their channel.
No Comments? Why, that's the very antithesis of open scientific discourse...
The best way to spread a lie?
Don't allow it to be answered.
My channel devoted to Not Praying:

"Evolutionist" and "Evolutionism" are terms used by creationists to disparage all scientists who disagree with them.
In other words, all *real* scientists.

"...the main reason for insisting on the universal Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological interpretation is that God's Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture."
-Henry Morris, 1970
In other words, 'when reality & the Bible differ... the Bible is right, reality is wrong'.

Ever wonder why all the "flood geologists" are employed by organizations such as the "Institute for Creation Research", while petroleum companies such as Exxon & BP employ REAL geologists?
Does "EvilWorldwideAtheistEvolution Conspiracy" really answer that question adequately?
Or does it seem more reasonable that oil exploration requires an understanding of stratigraphy - (The Geologic Column) - and index fossils that creationists deny the very existance of?
Likewise, *real* biologists are employed at biotech labs, not "Answers In Genesis".

Looking for a doctor? Try a Hospital...
but the "faith healers" are in churches.
(Or maybe you'd prefer medical schools "teach the controversy"?)

Silly rabbits, tricks are for kids... and pre-op trannies... and creationists.

(NOTE TO RABBITS, KIDS & PRE-OP TRANNIES: No offense intended ;-)

NOTE TO CREATIONISTS: I have refined SATSQ and now practice the SAATSQ method.

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