Pontus Torstensson, the drummer of URAN and Exorcist GBG has a reputation of being a man
machine/metronome of high-energy, hard-hitting drummer.
Add ambient and psychedelia and you’ve got Tentakel!
The one-man band Tentakel has been mesmerizing live audiences for over a decade with yaw
dropping exercises of timing and synchronicity. The unique style of Tentakel live shows includes,
arpeggiated synthesizers triggered by the man himself during his ferocious drumming, strobe lights
synced to beat and in the middle of it all the sweat drenched wild-eyed drummer himself.
This records captures the live energy in a fair way, just as his previous releases but now containing
some symphonic elements, like in the track “Cydonia” which leans into the realms of bands like
Magma. The vocal parts on that track, “Venera66” and others on the album are put down by the mighty Ebbot.
Tentakel is back from the depths again with a record filled with as much pure energy as it is with soul
and space!