Poetry isnt WHAT you say, but HOW you say it. If you're someone who enjoys things spoken well, You'll enjoy my channel.

Hey there, I'm Mathew Jackson, and I am a ACCIDENTAL POET.

So what you'll see and hear here are my inspirations and muses all collabed around poetry and music.

For me poetry has always carried a reputation of being boring and artificial.

Because the barrier to entry is so low, EVERYONE and their mom thinks they can do it...well.

I DO NOT think this is the case, Poetry to me is not WHAT you say but HOW you say it.

And this channel is an example of this.

I am no celebrity, in fact, if I could only be seen by a few and live the life I want I would be just fine. Unfortunantly (or rather fortunantly) this is not the case.

There is a craftman element to poetry (saying something reeeally well) that I truly truly beleive has been lost.

Here, is where I hope to offer those who enjoy poetry (things said well) an ALTERNATIVE to whats out now.