I like to make stuff, whether its out of wood, metal or whatever junk I have handy at the time. I have been blacksmithing and making Knives, swords and muskets for 20 years or so. The videos in Swallow forge will hopefully inspire you to make stuff too. :)

Disclaimer: I use lots of tools, hot metals and generally dangerous stuff. If you don't know what you are doing, get more advise/ experience before attempting anything in my videos. In other words, don't do something stupid and blame me for the results :) with that, have fun and stay safe.

Please Note. I am happy for people to differ from my ways and techniques, but I have a very low tolerance for rudeness. Please feel free to express your opinions in the comments box but please be aware that insults and rudeness to myself or any other commentator on this channel will lead you to being blocked. Lets keep things civil and enjoy our common interests, share knowledge and enthusiasm. Happy Hammering. Alex


Shared 8 years ago