Hi, my name's Alex. This channel is all about my personal gaming experiences. The videos I post could be of notable gameplay, fails, glitches, trophy/achievement guides, etc. Basically anything I find to be funny or interesting. I don't do any intros, transitions, or any other fancy video BS. No one wants to see my channel name shoved in their face every time they watch one of my videos. I also don't do any commentary or face cam simply because my voice doesn't sound good recorded and I'm not very photogenic. I do however frequently interact with viewers who comment on my videos. I try to reply to every comment that has a reason to be replied to, unless of course you're trolling. Although, I do enjoy the occasional YouTube comment fight. Anyway... Like, subscribe, and do all that other YouTube crap if you like what you see. Enjoy!
All new videos are captured on either PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X.
PlayStation Network ID: askseventeen
Xbox Live Gamertag: Ask17
Shared 9 years ago
Shared 10 years ago
Shared 12 years ago