Tribute to Whit Sidener

In March 2014 The University of Miami Frost School of Music held a tribute concert to retiring chair of the studio music and jazz department, Whitney Sidener. The concert brought together over 100 alums and friends from around the country, all veterans of the "Whit" era, many of whom played in the Concert Jazz Band under his direction. The marathon program soon became affectionally know as "Whitstock" and featured 18 inspired performances by alum bands in all genres.

We are happy to present the concert in it's entirety here on YouTube. Donations to Frost in honor of Professor Sidener have enabled the teaching studio of the jazz chair in the new Patricia Frost studio building to be named in his honor. The fund remains open to donations with the eventual goal of naming the jazz room in the soon to be built performance center after Whit.

More information can be found on the Frost Tribute to Whit Sidener facebook page.