Against the crowds

things to know :
Atcsmusic stands for against the crowds , im a One man musician , i play guitar and all it extensions ,knows the basics of piano , cello , and drums , I've start making music the day i got my first guitar and as i was excited to learn to play on it ,i spent hours and hours just playing and enjoying the processes , because music isn't just an entertainment to me , its a way to express myself , meet new people , new fans , new collaborator , and make my own music and share it with the world
I worked with many talented artists ,and did a few susseccful covers on youtube with more than 100K views which helped me grow my audiance from a few subscribers into 8000 subscribers in less than 3 months , and its only the start , im trying to improve the quality of my videos and music by buying new materials such as Guitars , Mic ; piano , to create a home studio where i'll be able to move one step toward my dream to become a major producer
Hope you'll have a great time