Stamp Our Story is the grassroots coalition of individuals, leaders, and organizations that advocated for a US commemorative postage stamp that would tell the inspiring story of the 33,000 American men and women of Japanese heritage who valiantly served in the US military during World War II. They enlisted despite intense racial prejudice directed at them that included forced incarceration of 120,000 West Coast Japanese Americans due only to their ancestry.

The Stamp Our Story Campaign began in 2005 when three Japanese American women (Fusa Takahashi, Aiko O. King, and the late Chiz Ohira) launched the effort for the stamp with family and friends. The campaign grew nationwide and even to France. Due to these collective efforts, the USPS released the "Go For Broke Japanese American Soldiers of World War II" Forever Stamp on June 3, 2021. Events to honor the legacy of these Americans are taking place across the nation this year starting on June 4, 2021.


Shared 3 years ago