Tap here to help 👇🏽

Need someone identified?

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is to help victims who are seeking justice through the legal justice system and if that is not possible, to attach a name to despicable actions to prevent future victims by making the community aware. This is not doxxing, I do not support doxxing (please learn what doxxing is). As always, we do not use this information to threaten anyone and all threats should be reported to law enforcement. Not only is it illegal and unethical to threaten someone, but the person will use your threats to victimize themselves anyway.

All of that being said, take responsibility for your own actions. Blaming others when you get caught is pathetic.

#thatdaneshguy #byebyejob #karen #tiktok #danesh #funnyvideos #identify #osint #facebook #thisyou


Shared 3 months ago