Picking Up the Pieces of Us

We have some really special kids, and we bet your children are just as special to you. We have children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder - but that's never stopped them - or us - from having great family fun.

Getting labels like that can be debilitating for parents, much less going out in public when our kids don't act so...typical. That's why we created Picking Up the Pieces of Us. We know that there are a lot of families on the Spectrum that almost feel trapped in their own homes. We've been there ourselves, but we came to realize that all children deserve a place in the sun and an adventure to live.

Our mission is to provide visual stories of our children in their magnificent journeys. This is not a look-at-us movie reel or a therapeutic shop talk by professionals. This isa call to action for all families on the Spectrum to embrace their children's God-given talents and abilities, and just GO! Go on adventures you've never thought possible.