Hello I'm Robchuckle and i am the chuckle brother and I'm in Yorkshire in the UK and is anything like to know about my favorite channels are: Music, Sound Effects, Kids TV Themes, TV Channels and Radio Broadcasters and shout outs requests and message and Gaming Industry and is anything likes me and make sure subscribe me and let me know and i'm going to be famous tonight and drop your comments and make sure don't miss it on my channels today before half terms, after schools and colleagues and weekends and feel enjoy the music and we have challenges is game shows and much more and remember keep your star rating and give me 5 and i also like sound fonts and a mystery famous person as well and make sure keep your nice manners and get thumbs up please without thumbs down if you like to and don't forget my new world record breaker and is anything else in Notifications, Streetpasses and Spotpasses and is any anyone live streaming battle with me if you try and you like it to. Thank You! WC!