
Hello everybody this is the Dragonball Protest channel #2

But its also our BACK UP channel in case of an emergency. This channel tags along the first one helping spreading its word along so we now technically we have 2 channels bases for strengthening eachother with information. Its also a place were other protesters can hang out and talk if they wish

This channel follows nearly the same rules as the first one.

We are against the success of Dragonball Evolution and any of its upcoming sequels (which are not confirmed) we stand by Akira Toriyama and his original Manga, and his apprentice Naho Ooishi who is currently writing MORE projects in Akiras place, and the near future (possibly more DB material)

Most people say were ONLY DBZ fans when that is 100% not true. We love "Dragonball" just as much as we do "Dragonball Z" and we are 100% accurate on what we say when it comes to debate.

Most of us also stand by a "REBOOT" of the movie franchise. Reboots help correct mistakes the first adaptation had, reboots are a GOOD thing!

We we will respond to anybody who is willing to debate or talk with us

If you stay civil....

We will do the same....