A window into my life from 2012-2013
Name: moi
Age: 16 (Once upon a time)
Purpose: AMVs
Software: Sony Vegas Pro 11, Sony Sound Forge Pro 10, Adobe After Effects CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Cinema 4D.
Studio: RisingDarkSuns (Leader), BreakingSoulStudios, DarkEliteStudios and DarkDemonStudios (Reserve)
Advice on editing: Practice and take your time while editing as that is the key to perfection. :)
New Account for asharm8.
I like to make AMVs. I accept all friend requests. I take song suggestions so please try and suggest good rock and fast beat songs. You can suggest from either Bleach, Naruto and Dragonball to make an AMV using the song suggested :). All subsequent AMVs wll be in 2K and 3D :). Please comment and Subscribe.
Shared 13 years ago