I believe Jesus Christ is the risen and living Son of God. Through faith in Him [Jesus] we may approach God with freedom and confidence (Ephesians 3.12) To everyone who welcomed Him by trusting in who He was and what He did, he granted the right to relate to God as intimate children(John 1.12) For God loved this world so much that He gave His unique Son, that whoever trusted in that Son would not experience the final consummation of death in all its forms and degrees, but rather have that life which is characterized by stability, fulness, and eternity (John 3.16)
Christian apologetics:
Content of the various videos that appear on my channel is derived from these various sources and others. The actual sources for each video should appear in the description box.
1. www.carm.org/
2. www.tektonics.org/
3. www.christian-thinktank.com/
4. www.ex-atheist.com/
Shared 14 years ago
Shared 15 years ago
Shared 15 years ago