TV Calibration with Darko

Hello there fans of great picture quality! I'm here to help you get better quality out of your TVs, smartphones and tablets. I am an ISF Level II certified calibrator (since February 2015) with over a decade of experience in TV, monitor and various display calibrations.

On the channel, you will mostly find settings after calibration and reviews for HDTVs, with different tips and analysis just to make things more interesting. TV calibration is not a fun thing to do, but without it you are often missing so much from the original quality that content creators want you to see.

So, buckle up and get ready to calibrate something today!

Subscriber milestones:
11.01.2016. - 1000
02.01.2017. - 5000
12.12.2017. - 10k
03.11.2020. - 30k
30.12.2024. - 50k

Disclaimers: all opinions are my own, affiliate links support the channel, and sponsors are disclosed. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.