Well I like Playing The Guitar And I Like Playing The Piano. I Like Pies, Burgars, Chicken curry, Rice, Garlic bread, and Coke! I have an Xbox 360 and My Favourite Game is Mortal Kombat vs Dc Universe. I Like Chips and Ketchup Aswell. My Hobby is Playing The Guitar and Sleeping. You Never Know What Can Happen to Your Body if You don't get any sleep.
My Top Favourite Wrestlers Are:
1. Batista
2. Rey Mysterio
3. Undertaker
4. The Rock
5. john cena
6. Kane
7. Stone Cold
8.Triple H
I Hate The Great Khali but He Beat The Undertaker in Judgement Day. if you want to ask a question then please do. I Like to watch adventure movies like Indiana Jones. and i also like to play adventure games like amazing adventures. the lost tomb