Goju.co.uk; established over 36 years, is run by Tom Hill Senior Instructor & 7th Dan. Tom was 62 years old in 2013 & has over 40 years experience in Karate & Mixed Martial Arts.

Clips show our sessions; with the Kata Bunkai (understanding). They are not stage managed or rehearsed & are just clips of the training; often performed slowly to help the student learn. Tom can move a lot faster but this seldom helps understanding of techniques.

Ju Jitsu & MMA is an intrinsic part of the GoJu Kata system, incorporating; Wrestling (Tugumi) & other techniques; plus Atemi (striking) techniques.

Constructive comments in a positive manner are welcome. We believe in etiquette when dealing with fellow practitioners & would like to be treated the same.

If on the other hand your comments are insulting or negative in nature, then please look at another Channel & leave your comments there. We welcome genuine students who have been taught respect for others; Karate begins & ends with etiquette.