Mahatma Gandhi once said "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." Everything we do comes from the heart, soul and mind. Thinking comes from the mind, words come from the heart & actions come from the soul, and thus the alignment of all these things can be better described as:
Syzygy is the fusion of forward thinking music, art and knowledge. Separated into 4 current channels S Y Z Y G Y covers all topics of electronic music & art. Offering the most professional promotion possible Syzygy was primarily designed to promote artists and producers however most recently has expanded to cover acoustic artists, singers, rappers & almost all other forms of expression.
☼ C H A N G E · A R T · ☼ · D E S T R O Y · E G O ☼
[siz·ih·jee], noun - the alignment of three bodies, generally celestial
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