SentaiRangerDonny - #RenewPowerRangers4Season31⚡

Hi, this is Sentai Ranger Donny. Welcome to my YouTube channel, where I upload random videos, such as multifandom vids, my music compositions, mockups of tunes composed by someone else, my fan-made vid restorations, my tutorials, etc. I'm a Trekkie, Starwoid, Super Sentai fan, Ninja Turtle fan and Power Ranger fan. I'm not a fandom menace person, nor do I bash one, but I welcome disagreements. For my piano performances, see under my "Favorites" or go to

#DC #Marvel #DoctorWho #StarTrek #StarWars #SuperSentai #NinjaTurtles #PowerRangers #JamesBond

-------††††-------To Show
-------††††-------That You
-------††††-------Love & Believe
-------††††-------In God and Jesus
(No offense to others with other religions)

S...Put this
T...On your channel
O...If you want
W....To Stop
M.....Taking down
G.....Music videos