Welcome to my channel. i post videos that show simple and not so simple REAPER actions and how to's in order to help others here on youtube and in REAPER forums.
If someone asks "can REAPER do this?" its easier to make a quick video demonstrating how and which actions are necessary.
Eventually i will update these videos with better videos that will include audio. sorry for the robot voice i know its annoying. lol
As for my REAPER set up, it has evolved way beyond any of these videos and continues to do so everyday.
I plan on releasing my entire REAPER folder with videos on how i came to have things the way they are.
WARNING some things are a little complicated to add in to your REAPER template mid-stream and must be added in the beginning stages of creating it.
So things may not work as desired.
All those videos will be coming soon.
If you have any questions just ask.
Shared 8 years ago