Dr. Doug Lehrer is a renowned master transformational healer, visionary, and educator. With a doctorate in chiropractic and board certification in quantum medicine™ from the American Naturopathic Medical Association, he has dedicated his life to advancing the frontiers of holistic wellness.

His groundbreaking creation, Cellular Resonance® Quantum Healing (CRQH), has revolutionized the field of integrative medicine. Based on extensive research in neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum physics, and energy healing dynamics, CRQH is an evidence-based system that combines diverse modalities such as chiropractic, Chinese medicine, meridian therapy, and polarity therapy.

Dr. Doug Lehrer’s expertise spans a wide range of disciplines, including neurolinguistics, neuroimmunology, neuroendocrinology, and spiritual psychology. This multidimensional knowledge allows him to unlock the body’s innate healing capabilities, even in cases previously considered irreversible.


Shared 14 years ago