This channel is a venue for my lectures and books on spirituality and the brain. I earnestly hope you will find it's contents add to your spiritual life, and get you thinking and questioning some of the things traditional religion has always taken for granted. The lectures were recorded in the fall of 2010. There is a book (Released May, 2015 ) that covers much of the same material in more depth. Look for:

Sacred Pathways: The Brain's Role In Religious and Mystic Experiences.

Note: all comments are moderated. Ridiculing and/or insulting comments probably won't appear. The comment section is not a debate forum, or a forum for viewers to teach about their beliefs. If your views are different than those presented, please use your own channel to teach them. Thank you.

I am happy to give permission for others to upload my videos to their accounts. Some restrictions apply. Contact me for more information.


Shared 10 years ago