Why we dress, we born naked, but still we get used to wear some dresses. Dress are not just cloth or anything, now trend moves to wear a fashionable clothe. But it means half naked? may be true. Wearing with no wear is the key. Civilize people like to wear half naked cloths. Why we need to wear, does we civilized , does animals are not civilized?
Why we wear bikini and stay topless, or give more weight to plus size cloths. If a lady with plush size chubby bra, many people will look, or else wearing a t-shirt without bra, then also it is a key.
luckily Kids and toddlers are not in this subject.Even means has different types of cloths, coats, trousers, tie , etc lot of variety. some of those u can see here in this channel.. you might like, but don't try to buy those at once, just think u really want to buy a dress or not.


Shared 5 years ago