I am thegaminghubby and welcome to my new channel!
I’ve been gaming for over years, starting with a Zx Spectrum 128k which my dad bought for my brother and I during the mid to late eighties. I’ve owned in chronological order: Sinclair Spectrum 128k, Commodore 64, Sega Mega Drive, Super Nintendo, Sony PlayStation, Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo Gamecube, Sony PlayStation 2, Microsoft XBOX, XBOX 360, Sony PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, XBOX One, PS4 and now a Nintendo Switch.
This channel is going to be a mixture of retro and current gaming opinions, with a twist - as well as discussing games and hardware. I will also share my gaming habits and how these have changed since my marriage. Have I had to make compromises? How often do I game? What’s my set up like? All these answers will be revealed, so keep watching!
Shared 1 year ago