Tarot, Runes, I-Ching.
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To access and develop your psychic ability, first it is necessary to look at the physical and metaphysical makeup of Man.
Eastern and Western philosophy hold that Man is a multi-dimensional being consisting of three parts, Body, Mind, and Spirit.
These three parts are separate manifestations of one energy that exist together as one but have different functions.
Simply put, the Body provides a vehicle for responding to external stimulus, and for performing functions that are directed by Man's consciousness, or Mind.
The Mind has more than one part as well. The subconscious state essentially controls the motor functions of the Body and contains the memory, and so it plays a major role in influencing how Man responds to stimuli.
The conscious state acts as a receiver of internal and external stimuli, and also influences how Man functions in response to those stimuli.
Simply put, Mind is the sum total of all the thoughts, feelings, memories, desires, and experiences of the metaphysical Body (Spirit) while in the physical Body.
The Spirit is what gives Life to the Body and complete freedom to the Mind. Spirit exists as metaphysical energy, which in its purest form manifests as light.
These three parts exist together as one being, but they often are in conflict.
The Mind might choose activity that causes damage to Body and Spirit. The Body may develop illness or injury that prevents Mind from experience. The Spirit may be willing, but the Body, controlled by Mind, is weak.
These are only a few examples of how Body, Mind, and Spirit can be in conflict.
Conflicts between these parts are damaging to the state of the Body, the state of the Mind, and the state of the Spirit.
Man's thoughts show the state of Mind.
Man's words show the state of Spirit.
Man's actions show the state of Body.
When Thoughts, Words, and Actions are not in accord, Body, Mind, and Spirit are not in harmony. Creation happens haphazardly or not at all, and is experienced as consequence.
When Body, Mind, and Spirit are in harmony, Man is at the point of conscious creation. To get to this point, Thoughts, Words, and Actions must be in accord.
Creation originates with Thought. If Mind accepts the thought and the thought becomes expressed through Spirit (Word), and Body (Action), Man functions as a complete being, and his creation is manifested.
Because Mind has complete freedom, it operates at di