Spiritual Medium, Author, Teacher and Bringer Of Light & Love has been working as a Spiritual Medium for over 3 decades. Joseph appeared worldwide on television, radio interviews and in newspapers, magazines and other media outlets.

Joseph’s renowned reputation is due to very accurate world predictions made over past 15 years. Josephs appearances, along with many world predictions, have included Lifetime TV, M-TV, CBS, New York Post, Philadelphia Inquirer and dozens of others globally including magazines in Japan, Australia, UK, Canada & United States. Joseph’s been written about in 3 books by best selling authors.

Joseph’s made hundreds of predictions with proven accuracy. Some include: 2011 Japan tsunami, earthquake & nuclear plant issues, the Swine Flu, Zika & Covid outbreaks. M.J.’s death. Current and past events with the Trump administration, America’s rioting. In 2017 predicted Presidents Donald Trumps second term win, even his death.

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