Namaste , I am Santhosh Nimmani born in a decent traditional family from a small town. Since my childhood, I struggled with my communication skills to sustain in this competitive world. Being an introvert and average student, it is even tougher to excel in my career.

As an introvert faced a lot of discrimination and got bullied . At a phase of my life went into depression but took faith and fought against all my fears, started a new journey towards life.

But my life is a roller coaster in which failed in many, insulted, and underestimated in personal and professional life. I understood superpowers of Introverts achieved success in my career.

Vision : Creating a world where Introverts professionals unleash their true potential and Intensify their superpowers and achieve success in their lives
Mission : Transform 1 million Introverts lives who has no self-esteem, direction, clarity, feeling lonely but has a burning desire to change and reach new heights.