Bluecouch Sessions

The Bluecouch Sessions is a series of sessions designed to introduce to a wider public a lot of talented musicians who perform their own songs.

Salzburg with its musical academy, concert halls, bars with live music, etc. is an attraction to a lot of national and international musicians. This series of sessions is a platform to those of them who would like to introduce their own songs to Austria and the whole world. Pop, jazz, rock, reggae, folk and many more. The main condition - you, your band and your instruments have to fit on our couch and you have to perform live!

All latest Couch News and posts about our musicians can be found on our website

Watch us on YouTube, follow us on Twitter under @bluecouchrocks, Instagram @Bluecouchsessions or on Facebook

If you want to have a session on our couch, please drop us a message to: