****Check out the new videos! I am still taking requests!****
I am a huge fan of Samantha Moore and I am trying to get her out there by making videos for her songs. IMPORTANT: I AM NOT SAMANTHA MOORE AND I AM NOT TRYING TO PRETEND I AM. I just want other people to be able to hear her music so they will buy her cd on iTunes or tell their friends about her if they like her music. I hope you become as big of a fan as I am!
A special thank-you to MetroLyrics, where I get lyrics to most of Samantha's songs. For other songs, I try to get lyrics as close as I can. Please excuse any mistakes and tell me if you see one!
All songs and pictures are owned by Samantha.
Blue heart background from www.whateverlife.com --thanks!
To visit Samantha Moore's website, follow this link: