Grumpy GenX Granpa

We know theres long been a Marxist plan to destroy the U.S. using inside corruption controlled by outside forces. I swore an Oath to protect this country & gave 8 years of of my life! She’s now under attack by traitorous, self serving beurocrats deeply imbedded in Permanent D.C., working with hostile foreign countries using their corrupt, bought & paid for establishment politicians of BOTH Parties! By using old Soviet Union & current CCP commie takeover tactics, they have successfully infiltrated every aspect of the U.S.! They’ve worked for years putting their people into key position of power. Positions in our education systems, Intl. agencies & all branches of government! Even State & local! They have used our freedom & our own Constitution against us! They have successfully brainwashed & indoctrinated at LEAST 2 generations of our young people thru schools, MSM & social media, all run by Intel. agencies! Creating victim classes & other tactics have now divided us beyond any repair!