Frugal Money Saver

Welcome! My name is Emmy and my husband is Paul. We are a debt and mortgage free early retirement couple that lives frugally (simple and plain and costing little!) Our channel shares the secrets of our journey and and the simple ways we spend less to have more! We are super excited to teach you how to spend your money on what YOU want to spend it on...NOT what society says to! All our frugal tricks, tips, and hacks will be revealed! Living debt free and enjoying life is an easy journey when you focus on daily positive spending accomplishments!

**None of our videos are made for children
**The information provided by FRUGAL MONEY SAVER channel is for general informational purposes only. These are our opinions only. Always use caution and care when following the procedures mentioned in Frugal Money Saver videos. The creators of these videos will not be held responsible for any negative effects that may arise from using methods mentioned in our videos.