Anarchosyndicalism, Libertarian Socialism
"Liberty without socialism is privilege, injustice; socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality"
Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876)
"Anarchism is no patent solution for all human problems, no Utopia of a perfect social order, as it has so often been called, since on principle it rejects all absolute schemes and concepts. It does not believe in any absolute truth, or in definite final goals for human development, but in an unlimited perfectibility of social arrangements and human living conditions, which are always straining after higher forms of expression, and to which for this reason one can assign no definite terminus nor set any fixed goal"
Rudolf Rocker (1873-1958)
"Anarchism is necessarily anticapitalist in that it opposes the 'exploitation of man by man'. But anarchism also opposes the 'dominion of man over man'. It insists that 'socialism will be free or it will not be at all' "
Noam Chomsky (*1928)