The Cait Awakening

Hi! My name is Caitlin Pyle, and I'm a 30-something recovering entrepreneur.

Recovering? Ha :)

In 2014, I launched a blog called Proofread Anywhere that grew into a multimillion-dollar online business. This business gave me a new life. It allowed me to build my dream home and, in 2019, pay an expensive divorce attorney. All that work came at a cost, though! I ended up with severe adrenal burnout and a blood cancer diagnosis (essential thrombocythemia).

I experienced suicidal depression and extreme anxiety for 2.5 years. After multiple misdiagnoses (bipolar, ADHD, OCD, GAD, etc.) and over a dozen misfired medication prescriptions, I began healing holistically. In October 2022, I sold my business. I bought my van, Vanastasia Steele, in Feb 2023 and picked her up in August!

Today, I'm free of all medication... and well on my way to recovery from burnout (AND cancer)!

Join me on my healing journey... I'm excited to share my world and my wisdom with you!


Shared 4 months ago