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'Figure 25' from the reference below shows how the center of our body moves during gait. This phenomenon naturally occurs as we walk on 'two feet' that will constantly create a 'side-to-side' movement. For more information Watch the video in our free program below -> 'Proper walking pattern'

‘[HEALTH 101] The Secret To Living A Healthy, Fit & Pain-Free Life’…

Nandikolla, V. K., Bochen, R., Meza, S., & Garcia, A. (2017). Experimental gait analysis to study stress distribution of the human foot. Journal of medical engineering, 2017.

7 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 19


3-7. Scientific evidence on the correlation of postural imbalance with pain
As in the attached file (You can download), 11 papers suggest that there is a minimal correlation between postural imbalance and pain. But will you just accept and walk away as science say so? What about your opinion? Let's do some critical thinking here.

This man has left shoulder pain and he has what's called 'scapular winging' where the inner side of scapula (wing bone) sticks out. It seems to be rolled forward (rounded shoulders) and downwardly rotated as well, which means its lowest angle gets closer to the spine (Refer to the right image above).

In the physical examination, he complains pain when raising his left arm, which requires an upward rotation of the scapula. Therefore, a physiotherapist helps the upward rotation of his left scapula with hands while asking the patient to raises the affected arm again and this time the patient does not feel any pain at all. Without the help, his pain comes back again. Based on this test result, the therapist would prescribe exercises to facilitate the upward rotation with some myofascial releases on rhomboids, latissimus dorsi and pectoralis minor (chest) that can contribute to rounded shoulders/downward rotation if tight (Refer to the images below).

On the other hand, it would be hard to find an expert who would insist 'According to science, postural imbalance and pain are not related, so it is okay to continue exercises where downward rotation is dominant.' In other words, contrary to the conclusions of related papers, the majority of experts are already acting with the 'neutral alignment' in their mind.

Of course, some may say that these exercise prescriptions are not intended to 'correct' the scapula to be neutral, but to improve the insufficient upward rotation function. However, muscles function best when they are at an ideal length (their neutral position), which has long been proven to be true. (Refer to the image below, sarcomere = muscle fiber)

According to this much stronger evidence, the upward rotation movement can be properly performed only when the scapula is in neutral so that all relevant muscles can also be in their ideal length that is not too short or too long. Then, it is expected that the probability of developing shoulder pain during upward rotation can be significantly reduced in the 'Raising arm' test. Therefore, postural imbalance and pain cannot be considered separately and postural correction can improve muscle function, hence pain.

To conclude, it is highly desirable to act in the direction of correcting postural asymmetry, even if science has failed to reveal the link between postural imbalance and pain. When you decide on something, it is ideal to try it anyway if it does not do any harm. Trying to correct your body shape? I am sure there is no harm in it.

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7 months ago | [YT] | 72


3-6. Spark a fire with flint?
Together with the tension discussed in the previous posting, 'compression(friction)' also plays a role in developing pain. According to the references below, damage/degenerative changes of tendons and ligaments are mostly found under the lower surface of the 'Enthesis' that is directly attached to the bones.

The papers further suggest that tendons and ligaments around protruding bones such as the heels and knee caps are prone to become problematic as they are more likely to get rubbed against the bones. A friction war between bones and soft tissues? Who do you is stronger? Of course, the bones will win! Therefore, it is reasonable to think that soft tissues near these bony attachments will have more wear and tear over time.

However, this friction gets worse when there is tension added. For example, when a muscle gets tight, it will pull its tendons away from the bony attachments. This can then increase the friction between the bone and tendon, possibly causing tendon problems. The authors indicate that a combination of tension and compression (by bones) is 'detrimental'. Eventually, these two combined can increase 'HEAT' and the next posting will address this.

Cook, J. L., & Purdam, C. R. (2009). Is tendon pathology a continuum? A pathology model to explain the clinical presentation of load-induced tendinopathy. British journal of sports medicine, 43(6), 409-416.
Cook, J. L & Purdam, C. (2012). Is compressive load a factor in the development of tendinopathy? British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46(3), 163-168.
Cook, J. L., Rio, E., Purdam, C. R., & Docking, S. I. (2016). Revisiting the continuum model of tendon pathology: what is its merit in clinical practice and research?. British journal of sports medicine, 50(19), 1187-1191.

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8 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 44


3-4. Understand what friction can do to our body
Together with the tension discussed in the previous posting, 'compression(friction)' also plays a role in developing pain. According to the references below, damage/degenerative changes of tendons and ligaments are mostly found under the lower surface of the 'Enthesis' that is directly attached to the bones.

The papers further suggest that tendons and ligaments around protruding bones such as the heels and knee caps are prone to become problematic as they are more likely to get rubbed against the bones. A friction war between bones and soft tissues? Who do you is stronger? Of course, the bones will win! Therefore, it is reasonable to think that soft tissues near these bony attachments will have more wear and tear over time.

However, this friction gets worse when there is tension added. For example, when a muscle gets tight, it will pull its tendons away from the bony attachments. This can then increase the friction between the bone and tendon, possibly causing tendon problems. The authors indicate that a combination of tension and compression (by bones) is 'detrimental'. Eventually, these two combined can increase 'HEAT' and the next posting will address this.

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‘[HEALTH 101] The Secret To Living A Healthy, Fit & Pain-Free Life’…

Cook, J. L., & Purdam, C. R. (2009). Is tendon pathology a continuum? A pathology model to explain the clinical presentation of load-induced tendinopathy. British journal of sports medicine, 43(6), 409-416.
Cook, J. L & Purdam, C. (2012). Is compressive load a factor in the development of tendinopathy? British Journal of Sports Medicine, 46(3), 163-168.
Cook, J. L., Rio, E., Purdam, C. R., & Docking, S. I. (2016). Revisiting the continuum model of tendon pathology: what is its merit in clinical practice and research?. British journal of sports medicine, 50(19), 1187-1191.

8 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 49


I personally believe that most pain occurs when there is too much tension applied to soft tissues (muscles/tendons/ligaments/fascia and so on) and the next three postings will explain this in detail.

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3-3. Understand what tension can do to our body (The Fundamentals of Pain)
When there is too much tension on a muscle, muscle spindles inside the muscle get activated and detect this excessive tension. Then, they send a signal to the brain, saying that 'there is too much tension going on!' and in turn, the brain sends a 'Relax' signal to the muscle. What would happen if a muscle sustains an excessive tension for a long period of time due to postural/muscle imbalance? Muscle spindles and the brain keep sending signals to each other endlessly, which can make the nervous system sensitive. Once sensitised, the nervous system is likely to be more vulnerable to stress (tensile loads) and develop chronic pain.

A perfect example would be upper trapezius pain. Upper trapezius muscles easily get stretched due to text neck/rounded shoulders/hunched back. Then, they try to go back to their neutral position by contracting because they do not want to be stretched out anymore (Otherwise, they will get torn!). This contraction then increases muscle tension and activates muscle spindles. However, a 'Relax' signal from the brain as a result of muscle spindles' function is likely to worsen the situation, because the upper trapezius muscles will be stretched more when they relax! Therefore, they have no option but to contract constantly to hold onto the skeletons that they are attached to. Imagine 'a constant contraction of a muscle that is being stretched all the time'. This is highly likely to further stress the muscle itself and the nervous system too, possibly causing chronic pain.

Evidence also suggests that a combination of tensile and compressive loads can be detrimental, which will be discussed in the next posting.

8 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 32


What is the evidence behind pain? - [The Fundamentals of Pain] -
According to science, the cause of pain is not clearly identified. In the past, structural damage to body tissues was considered to be the cause of pain, but now factors such as previous experiences of pain, stress levels in daily life and social position are also considered.

However, these concepts are so broad and vague. Thus, we will try to find out the cause of pain based on what is already known. First, let's look at the scientific evidence on whether or not structural damage is the cause of pain.

1. About 70% of the 3,110 participants who have never experienced lower back pain had abnormalities on their MRI results, such as disc bulging and/or disc protrusion (Even annular fissure = about 30%).

2. As a result of hip imaging tests (MRI, X-ray) in about 5,300 people, the probability that a person with inflammation in the hip joint had pain was only 6-7%.

3. Although pain and functional aspects improved after 24 weeks of eccentric exercise in patients with chronic Achilles tendon pain, the appearance of their Achilles tendon did not change on their MRI (Abnormal MRI findings are still there even if they no longer experience pain).

Aside from the above, a significant body of evidence suggests that the correlation between structural abnormalities and pain is minimal. However, these results are a bit different to what we already know because we all have experiences where pain occurs when there is structural damage or inflammation (e.g. ankle sprain). Why are the scientific results different then? I believe that there are three reasons.

1. The level of inflammation is different
Research shows that when tissue was damaged, the inflammatory substance 'Cytokine' increased 1,000-10000 times, but in tendinopathy(chronic tendon problem), the level increased about 1-1.5 times only. Thus, it can be seen that when the tissue is acutely damaged by an external force, a strong inflammatory reaction occurs, but the inflammatory reaction does not occur significantly in situations where the problem is gradually built up without major episodes, such as chronic pain.

2. The level of tension is different
Similarly, tissue damage occurs when there is more tension applied to the tissue than what it can handle. Therefore, if the tissue is torn due to high tension, a strong inflammatory reaction and damage can be accompanied. However, if not enough to tear the tissue, the tissue exposed to higher tension than normal can become painful without actual damage and inflammatory reactions.

3. The timing is different
According to the three scientific results above, most of the MRI or X-ray abnormalities in people with no pain were seen as degenerative changes. Degenerative changes are basically 'Scar tissues' formed after the recovery process in the past. Therefore, it can be interpreted that the participants might have had some episodes in the past which they did not notice (no pain experienced) because those episodes did not cause strong inflammatory reactions and only had minimal (if any) structural damages. However, it is reasonable to think that any acute injury can cause inflammation and tissue damage followed by pain.

In summary, according to science, structural damage and inflammatory reactions are unlikely to be the main source of pain especially if the symptoms are chronic. However, as our experience shows, acute injuries can make exceptional situations. Now that you know all this, you do not need to be too scared by your abnormal imaging test results. Rather, it is better to think that inflammation, MRI, or degenerative X-ray changes have little to do with pain if you have not had an acute accident or injury.

*Take-home message
- Pain after an acute injury: likely to be the result of inflammation and tissue damage
- Chronic pain: not so much to do with the above (something else -> see the next posting)

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8 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 33


[FREE] program launched! ‘[HEALTH 101] The Secret To Living A Healthy, Fit & Pain-Free Life’…

Hi, everyone! We have developed a new program that contains detailed explanations and health benefits of proper breathing, correct use of your core, proper walking and posture, the causes of pain and the principles of exercise. These all seem pretty simple, right? Such simple things are fundamental in maintaining and living a healthy life.

Yes, you can also find essential information and workouts covered in various videos on Mr.Physio's YouTube channel. However, it is almost impossible to deliver the entire details within the limited scopes of youtube videos. I am sure that many people have experienced a time where they were not able to hear sufficient/detailed explanations regarding their conditions when visiting hospitals/clinics due to time limitations etc.

However, it is true that sometimes it is not easy for medical professionals to provide detailed explanations in the short amount of time allocated to each patient. Whenever I had such an experience when working in clinics, I constantly wondered about the best possible ways to explain the patient's condition in more detail and really get the patient to understand how their body works. These thoughts led to the creation of this website where I could share my knowledge and experience in detail without any restrictions in space or time.

Of course, I cannot say that everything here is correct because I am also constantly learning as new research continuously develops. However, I can say with confidence that the principles and theories you will come across throughout the programs on this website are actually all based on simple common sense! You don't need to study scientific papers or be a medical professional to understand the content of these programs. You just need that willingness to learn with a little touch of common sense to understand how our body works and functions!

Therefore, if you understand the contents of these classes, you will acquire the fundamentals to live a healthy, fit and pain-free life. Don't be put off by the medical terminology (they are just words!) or feel like it is too difficult simply because it is about the human body. Take the time to learn about your body and how it moves and functions. You will be amazed at the empowerment you feel when you know exactly what is going on in each part of your body and have complete control over it! Over 400,000 subscribers in my youtube channels have already experienced, learnt and applied their new knowledge to improve their daily life. Now it's time to improve yours.

Mr.Physio Team

9 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 23


Happy 2024 everyone!

I hope that 2024 is a year filled with joy, prosperity and most of all, good health!
To help you get a head start to your good health, we have updated our FREE PROGRAM [Health 101-Secret to living a healthy, fit & pain-free life] 🎊

This program includes the fundamentals for living your best healthy life. When I say ‘Fundamentals’, I mean the actual daily basics like breathing and walking. Many people underestimate the importance of such basics because we do it without thinking! But did you know, more than 80% of people are not actually breathing and walking correctly? And because of this, our posture and overall body is negatively affected.

So here is a little New Years gift for you and your loved ones 🎁
Join our FREE PROGRAM and may 2024 be a healthy, fit and pain-free year 🙌

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9 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 17


Try this better kegel exercise with breathing and strengthen the important part of your body!

1 year ago | [YT] | 11


Correct your posture with this breathing technique !

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 10